Things Parents Should Know While Raising Children with Autism
Did you know that about 1% of the world’s population has autism spectrum disorder (ASD)?The condition is characterised by impaired social functioning and communication, like unresponsiveness, repetitive movements, and self-abusive behaviour. It’s no surprise that parents whose children are on the spectrum have difficulty dealing with the disorder. However, it’s not an impossible task. It’s still possible for your child to become successful and attend the best schools in Coimbatore with CBSE , given the proper conditions: · Provide structure and safety Children with ASD perform best in highly structured environments. It’s advisable that you stick to a simple schedule, enforcing regular times for meals, bed, and school. In addition, you must stay consistent with this schedule and prepare your child in advance for any changes. It’s also best to create a safe and healthy environment at home. For example, you can provide a priva...